Understanding how to calculate tax for employees in 2 or more states can be confusing. Plus understanding what state laws need to be followed when employing employees in more than one state can be confusing. Since the pandemic, the rise in remote work has caused employers to hire those in states that they may not have employed employees in before. Also understanding how the wage and hour laws impact employers for employees that work in multiple states can be a challenge.
Session Highlights:
- Telecommuting and why it creates a tax liability for employers
- Residency
- Reciprocity agreements
- Resident/Non Resident withholding rules
- Evaluating taxation for multiple states
- What wages are subject to taxation?
- Withholding compliance issues.
- State unemployment insurance
- Traveling Employees/Courtesy Taxation
- Convenience of the employer rules
- Administrative concerns
- HR concerns
- Local tax residency rules
- Case Studies
- Wage and hour (DOL) concerns
Why You Should Attend:
This webinar will help employers better understand the state laws, what to consider when employing employees across state lines. Both resident and non-resident taxation will be covered. Review of employees that perform work in multiple states. Along with how to manage wage and hour concerns for employees that work in multiple states.
Who Should Attend:
- Payroll Professionals
- Accounting Professionals
- Tax Professionals
- Finance Professionals
- Compensation Professionals
- Benefits Professionals
- Senior HR Professionals,
- HR Managers & Directors,
- HR Personnel,
- CEOs
- Managers
- Team Leaders
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